Clinical Psychology
The Diversity Science Initiative informs clinical psychology through the study of racial disparities in mental health, and cultural factors in psychopathology and treatment. Mouse over each badge to see the faculty member’s research direction, and click through for their respective lab websites.
Denise A. Chavira
Latino mental health, treatment development and anxiety
Research Questions:
What is the role of culture on anxiety and treatment for anxiety?
What is the best way to engage low income and ethnic minority families in evidence based treatments?
Anna Lau
Culture, parenting, and problems in child behavior
Research Questions:
How do parents adapt from their culture of origin to raise kids in the United States?
Do our evidence-based mental health treatments work for immigrant families and children?
Vickie Mays
Physical and mental health among sexual and racial/ethnic minorities
Research Questions:
Does discrimination contribute to mental and physical health disparities?
How can we improve the well-being of vulnerable populations?
Lara Ray
Behavioral genetics and disparities in addiction
Research Questions:
Are risk factors for addiction, or response to addiction medication ethnicity-dependent?
Are there genetic markers for addiction vulnerability in certain ethnic groups?