Diversity Science at UCLA aims to advance theoretical and research perspectives on underrepresented minority groups in the behavioral sciences. Scholars study topics spanning disparities in health and mental health, bio-behavioral mechanisms explaining disparities, intergroup relations and conflict, social identity and social cognition, and diversity in development across the lifespan and across social contexts. Diversity Science extends behavioral science to understudied populations including racial/ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, individuals with minority sexual orientations, and diverse socio-economic classes. This research can both test the boundaries of current psychological theory and make new discoveries in identifying unique psychological processes relevant to the experiences of minorities. Faculty who are pursuing research that actively advances the goals of Diversity Science include:
Tiffany Brannon (Cultural identity and social inequality)
Denise Chavira (Latino mental health)
Han Du (Cross-cultural research)
Andrew Fuligni (Cultural values and family relationships)
Patricia Greenfield (Social change, culture, and human development)
Yuen Huo (Social identity, hierarchy, and intergroup relations)
Jaana Juvonen (Ethnic context and adolescent peer relationships)
Benjamin Karney (Marriage and intimate relationships in diverse populations)
Amanda Montoya (Gender inequity in STEM education)
Vickie Mays (Physical and mental health among sexual and racial/ethnic minorities)
Lauren Ng (Cultural and contextual Influences on PTSD treatment)
Efren Perez (Race, ethnicity, language, and implicit bias)
Lara Ray (Disparities in addiction)
Margaret Shih (Social identities and stereotypes)